
1500 Followers Party = FAIL?

Hey guys! As some of you may know, there was supposedly a party for the Chobots Blog having 1500 followers, but apparently, at least to my knowledge, they were kinda a fail....I don't care about rain, but there was very little, and not as much mod magic as I expected. I'm not complaining, I'm just not sure whether or not the mods put their best effort into this one. However, I may have missed some of the party, so please correct me if I'm wrong!



Well, I went on Chobots the other day, and guess what I saw? only four servers! The others had been taken down apparently, for a reason I'm not sure of. Comment if you do know!


And then I saw a user with the longest name, so long it went off his playercard (got cut off)! He also had no age! I don't know what happened there.....

And last of all, there was an enormous amount of white chobots all over Choocolate today...kinda weird...

So, that's all for now! Kinda random, huh? :P

Shop Updates!

There was a pretty big clothing rotation on Chobots! Many items were changed, and some old, rather rare items were put up, but most are now for citizens. Here are some pics:


Oh, and also, guess what? Non-citizens can now buy the color shower for their house! AWESOME!!

Valentine's Day On Chobots!

Hey guys, BB here! There were parties all day long (or at least half the day) on Chobots, in every server! There was tons of mod magic, including awesome UFOs and spray paint, and there was some rain. Sure, the parties didn't last the whole day, but we got to have fun and see quite a few mods!


And then, a day or two before V-day, Chobot invited a bunch of people to his house, who invited their friends, who invited their friends, and so on, creating a house of chaos! Well, on top of that, Chobot trapped everyone he could in furniture! No one could move! The only survivor was nifty72! And then, being his evil self (jk), Chobot left us all stranded! :O LOLZ, it was really fun!

                                                           Hey, Chobot's 500th is soon! :O

Secret Citizen Room--NEW!

Well, as you all may know, the new room for citizens only has been released! It's pretty awesome!There are many parties there!
And, yeah, this is kinda late to post, but aw well....LOLz


Hey guys! Guess what? I applied to be an author on Cat's Chobot Blog! Then I went on Chobots as usual, and zoozach2 added me (Prior to his agent status)! He wanted me to guess why, which took a very long time XD! Well, I made my intro post and my profile was added on the profile page, so I'll see you guys there! (I'll still post here, too!)

And congrats to the newest agent, zoozach2! Here's his tracker:  :)

And thanks to all of you for following mah blog!

The New Chobot Look!

Hey, guys! Well, as you may know, Chobots has released a newer version of the character! It now has a thinner outline, the grey belly isn't there XD, and the eyes are more joined. There were some mixed views about it. Tell me what you think! 

Also, according to agent littlebigplanet, he designed the new Chobot!!!

 A petition made by agents




Superbowl Sunday on Chobots!

As you all know, the SuperBowl was happening on Sunday--and while we were all tuning in to the game, there was an awesome party with Chobot! He asked us many questions about the SuperBowl, and if you answered them correctly, Chobot would invite you to his house and rain items for you, and you only! So, guess what?---I just so happened to answer a question correctly, and Chobot invited me to his house! He rained the following clothes:

-B boy
-G Girl
-B Girl (Is that possible LOL?)

Or at least that's what I remember. But it was really fun!


The second floor was blocked off by a sofa O.o 
All in all, it was pretty awesome! See ya!

Love at First Bite--The Restaurant!

The following review was given by Blubberball on Feb. 6, 2010:

Well, I was on Chobots today and guess what--I got an invitation to the restaurant Love at First Bite, created by shrinkygirl, and then taken over by mo29115. At first, it was somewhat unorganized and started in the café. Then, the business moved on to shirnkygirl's house. There, some chobots found hair in their pudding, and a few chobots died, which was easily made up for by the excellent service and entertainment. Then, after a day or two, I decided to give them a second chance. This time, the service was great and very organized, with quality food and highly-trained entertainers. I especially liked the appetizer--a nice shrimp cocktail. so, all in all, even after the "Great Fire" in the kitchen that somewhat put a stop to business, I rated this great restaurant five stars out of five. So if you get a message with an invitation to the restaurant, you should definitely accept it, and you won't regret your choice. :)

The first day of dining

The new, improved look