Today is Earth Day! I hope you guys did something to help our great home, i.e. picking up litter, recycling, etc.! (You can do this any day, too!) And, with Earth Day, came Hiki's 400th B-day! She held the party in Moon-walk, although we were planning a surprise party in Choco.. :P I'm starting a new rating system of parties, so if you missed on, you can get the straight-up ratings here! Please don't take this idea, but if you do, would you kindly give me credit? Thanks.

Keep in mind that I was only there for ten minute before my browser timed out! :|

Rating of Hiki's 400th Party/Earth Day Party:
(5 squares: Highest, 1 Square: Lowest)
Humidity (Amount of rain (3)
Duration  (From what I heard)
Attendance  (5)
Lag  (2)
Magic  (5)
Fun-factor  (5)
Servers: (Moon-Walk)
Crashing/disconnection: (Rarely)

Here are some pics that I managed to get: